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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 157
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
ANZCA_Bulletin_Summer_2023_NO_ADS.pdf.jpgJan-2024ANZCA Bulletin (Summer 2023)Hincks C 
ANZCA_Bulletin_Spring_2023_NO_ADS.pdf.jpgOct-2023ANZCA Bulletin (Spring 2023)Hincks C 
ANZCA_Bulletin_Winter_2023_NO_ADS.pdf.jpgJul-2023ANZCA Bulletin (Winter 2023)Hincks C 
Sims_C-Magical distraction for induction os paediatric anaesthesia.pdf.jpg2023Australasian anaesthesia 2023: invited papers and selected continuing education lecturesSims C Tivey S [editor]Doane M [editor] 
Bajic_M-Radiation safety and the anaesthetist.pdf.jpg2023Australasian anaesthesia 2023: invited papers and selected continuing education lecturesBajic MMiller MTivey S [editor]Doane M [editor] 
Emanuel_A-Intravenous heparin and non-cardiac anaesthesia.pdf.jpg2023Australasian anaesthesia 2023: invited papers and selected continuing education lecturesEmanuel A Chee YE [editor]Doane M [editor] 
Nguyyen_TM-A narrative review of the perioperative management of DMARDs.pdf.jpg2023Australasian anaesthesia 2023: invited papers and selected continuing education lecturesNguyen TMSzental JBramley DDennis AT [editor] Doane M [editor] 
Moi_D-Principles of visual design in cognitive aid development.pdf.jpg2023Australasian anaesthesia 2023: invited papers and selected continuing education lecturesMoi D Maulder JZeloof DIyer DVitesnikova J [editor]Doane M [editor] 
Mahoney_A-Social media and the scholar role_ Helping anaesthetists to find subtances in the FOAM.pdf.jpg2023Australasian anaesthesia 2023: invited papers and selected continuing education lecturesMahoney ASelak TSidhu NS Yartsev A [editor]Doane M [editor] 
Bell_R-Perioperative considerations for the patient with portal.pdf.jpg2023Australasian anaesthesia 2023: invited papers and selected continuing education lecturesBell RButler EDoane M [editor] Doane M 
Engelbrecht_M-Adult perioperative risk stratification.pdf.jpg2023Australasian anaesthesia 2023: invited papers and selected continuing education lecturesEngelbrecht MKhoyratty SReilly JR Dennis AT Doane M [editor] 
Gardner_A-Medicolegal issues associated with multidisciplinary teams.pdf.jpg2023Australasian anaesthesia 2023: invited papers and selected continuing education lecturesGardner AWang IDoane M [editor] Doane M [editor] 
French_J-How organisational culture can improve the safety.pdf.jpg2023Australasian anaesthesia 2023: invited papers and selected continuing education lecturesFrench JA Sutcliffe KDeacon A [editor]Eslick A [editor]Doane M [editor] 
Fox_T-The tightrope of haemostatic homeostasis.pdf.jpg2023Australasian anaesthesia 2023: invited papers and selected continuing education lecturesFox TDrummond KE Toh G [editor]Doane M [editor] 
Maghami_A-REBOA and EDRT in trauma related haemorrhage.pdf.jpg2023Australasian anaesthesia 2023: invited papers and selected continuing education lecturesMaghami SGrobler CSmit M [editor]Doane M [editor] 
Jhummon-Mahadnac_N-Obstetric anaesthesia in rheumatic heart disease.pdf.jpg2023Australasian anaesthesia 2023: invited papers and selected continuing education lecturesJhummon-Mahadnac NMathieson MHungenahally AToh G [editor]Drummond KE [editor] Doane M [editor] 
Pham_T-100 years of insulin_Everything old is new again.pdf.jpg2023Australasian anaesthesia 2023: invited papers and selected continuing education lecturesPham TGardner ASmit M [editor]Doane M [editor] 
Roessler_P-Vasoconstrictors – friend or foe.pdf.jpg2023Australasian anaesthesia 2023: invited papers and selected continuing education lecturesRoessler PYartsev A [editor]Doane M [editor] 
Sidhu_NS-Do you feel hungry.pdf.jpgSep-2023Australasian anaesthesia 2023: invited papers and selected continuing education lecturesSidhu NS Pozaroszczyk AJFernandez T [editor]Doane M [editor] 
Srivastava_A-Development of a massive transfusion protocol and cognitive aid.pdf.jpg2023Australasian anaesthesia 2023: invited papers and selected continuing education lecturesSrivastava AMoi D Janin PWeaver PDoane M [editor]Doane M [editor] 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 157