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Scholarly and Clinical : [694] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 694
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-2023Efficacy of Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulation for the Management of Chronic Low Back Pain and Persistent Spinal Pain Syndrome: A Narrative ReviewWong CHChan TCWWong SSCRusso M Cheung CW
May-2023Persistent spinal pain syndrome – the coup de grace for failed back surgery syndrome?Simpson BRigoard PRusso M 
Aug-2023From pain intensity to a holistic composite measure for spinal cord stimulation outcomesGoudman LPilitsis JGRusso M Slavin KVHayek SMBillot MRouland PMoens M
Jul-2023Problems With O'Connell et al, "Implanted Spinal Neuromodulation Interventions for Chronic Pain in Adults" (Cochrane Review)Russo M Bhatia AHayek SDoshi TEldabe SHuygen FLevy RM
Oct-2023A Novel, Paresthesia-Free Spinal Cord Stimulation Waveform for Chronic Neuropathic Low Back Pain: Six-Month Results of a Prospective, Single-Arm, Dose-Response StudyRusso M Volschenk WBailey DSantarelli DMHolliday EBarker DDizon JGraham B
Jul-2023Association Between Levels of Functional Disability and Health-Related Quality of Life With Spinal Cord Stimulation for Chronic PainTaylor RSSoliday NLeitner AHunter CWStaats PSThomson SKallewaard JWRusso M Duarte RV
27-Feb-2024Pulsed Radiofrequency 2 Hz Preserves the Dorsal Root Ganglion Neuron Physiological Ca2+ Influx, Cytosolic ATP Level, Δψm, and pERK Compared to 4 Hz: An Insight on the Safety of Pulsed Radiofrequency in Pain Management [Letter]Russo M 
Jan-2024Progressing into a new paradigm: how we must leave the past behind if we want a change in pain research outcomesRusso M Santarelli DMAustin PJGraham B
Apr-2024Comment to factors associated with positive outcomes of platelet-rich plasma therapy in Achilles tendinopathyRusso M Cairns RVolschenk WSantarelli DM
Jan-2024A Definition of Neuromodulation and Classification of Implantable Electrical Modulation for Chronic PainSivanesan ENorth RBRusso M Linderoth BHayek SMEldabe SLempka SF
Jul-2024Five-Year Longitudinal Follow-up of Restorative Neurostimulation Shows Durability of Effectiveness in Patients With Refractory Chronic Low Back Pain Associated With Multifidus Muscle DysfunctionGilligan CVolschenk WRusso M Green MGilmore CMehta VDeckers KDe Smedt KLatif USayed DGeorgius P Gentile JMitchell BLanghorst MHuygen FBaranidharan GPatel VMironer ERoss ECarayannopoulos AHayek SGulve AVan Buyten JPTohmeh AFischgrund JLad SAhadian FDeer TKlemme WRauck RRathmell JMaislin GHeemels JPEldabe S
Aug-2024The Neurostimulation Appropriateness Consensus Committee (NACC)®: Recommendations for the Mitigation of Complications of NeurostimulationDeer TRRusso M Sayed DPope JEGrider JSHagedorn JMFalowski SMAl-Kaisy ASlavin KVLi SPoree LREldabe SMeier KLamer TJPilitsis JGDe Andrés JPerruchoud CCarayannopoulos AGMoeschler SMHadanny ALee EVarshney VPDesai MJPahapill POsborn JBojanic SAntony APiedimonte FHayek SMLevy RM
Aug-2024The Neurostimulation Appropriateness Consensus Committee (NACC)®: Recommendations for Spinal Cord Stimulation Long-term Outcome Optimization and Salvage TherapyDeer TRRusso M Grider JSSayed DLamer TJDickerson DMHagedorn JMPetersen EAFishman MAFitzGerald JBaranidharan GDe Ridder DChakravarthy KVAl-Kaisy AHunter CWBuscher EChapman KGilligan CHayek SMThomson SStrand NJameson JSimopoulos TTYang ADe Coster OCremaschi FChristo PJVarshney VBojanic SLevy RM
-The Opinion of Healthcare Professionals About a Proposed European Registry of Neuromodulation for Chronic Pain: An Online SurveyGoudman LRigoard PRoulaud MSlavin KRusso M Billot MMoens M
-Twelve-Month Clinical Trial Results of a Novel, Dorsal Horn Dendrite Stimulation Waveform for Chronic Neuropathic Low Back PainRusso M Volschenk WBailey DSantarelli DMHolliday EBarker DDizon JGraham B
-Primary Examination Short Answer Question Papers: Faculty of Anaesthetists, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 1958-1991; Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists 1992-2024Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists
-A competency framework for simulation facilitation in low-resource settings: a modified Delphi studyMossenson AILivingston PBrown JAKhalid KRubio Martinez R
-Characterizing phenotypes and clinical and health utilization associations of young people with chronic pain: latent class analysis using the electronic Persistent Pain Outcomes Collaboration databaseSlater HWaller RBriggs ALord SMSmith AJ
Update of a Study of Not Ceasing Anticoagulants for Patients Undergoing Injection Procedures for Spinal Pain.pdf.jpgMay-2020Update of a study of not ceasing anticoagulants for patients undergoing injection procedures for spinal pain.Endres SHefti KSchlimgen EBogduk N 
-Osteoarthritis of Zygapophysial joints as a cause of back pain and neck pain: a scoping reviewBogduk N MacVicar J
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 694