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dc.contributor.authorSmith NAen_US
dc.description.abstractAbstract Background The natural history of patient weight while on surgical waiting lists of 3 months or more has not been previously reported. Methods Data was obtained for adult patients undergoing surgery with category C (more than 3 months) and D (patient not yet ready) bookings for elective surgery in one local health district in New South Wales, Australia, over one calendar year. Booking dates, surgery dates, booking category, name of operation, and weight recorded at both booking of surgery and performance of surgery were extracted from the electronic medical record system. Weight changes of more than one kilogram were defined as significant weight loss or gain. The influence of initial booking weight, duration of waiting period, age, and type of surgery on weight change were investigated. Results The study population comprised 1 622 operations in patients booked for a variety of surgical specialties, with a mean waiting time between booking and performance of surgery of 290 days. Booking weights were missing for twenty seven percent of patients. The overall mean weight change for the remaining cohort was +0.8 kg. Twenty two percent of patients lost weight while waiting for surgery, 44% stayed the same, and 35% increased weight. Conclusion In patients booked for a wide range of surgeries with waiting periods of 3 months and more, the most common finding was no significant change in weight. There was an overall mean weight gain of just under one kilogram for the entire cohort. The influence of duration of time on waiting list, initial booking weight, type of surgery, and age were minimal. This study highlighted the poor recording of patient weight perioperatively.en_US
dc.subjectwaiting listsen_US
dc.subjectweight changeen_US
dc.subjectelectronic health recorden_US
dc.subjectphysical fitnessen_US
dc.titleWeights while waiting: change in weight between the date of booking for surgery and the date of surgeryen_US
dc.typeJournal Articleen_US
dc.identifier.journaltitlePerioperative Care and Operating Room Managementen_US
dc.description.affiliatesWollongong Hospitalen_US
dc.description.affiliatesSchool of Medicine, University of Wollongongen_US
dc.type.studyortrialObservational studyen_US
item.openairetypeJournal Article-
item.fulltextWith Fulltext-
Appears in Collections:Scholarly and Clinical
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