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Dr Fiona Taverner

Indexed Name
First Name
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Member Type
ANZCA fellow
Affiliations and Departments
Flinders Medical Centre (FMC)
Women’s and Children’s Hospital (WCH), Adelaide, South Australia
Dr Fiona Taverner is a paediatric anaesthetist at Flinders Medical Centre (FMC) and the Women’s and Children’s Hospital (WCH), Adelaide, South Australia. She is an avid user of high flow and has a special interest in avoiding general anaesthetics in neonates. She is a chief investigator for the HAMSTER trial, is a PI for TREX (FMC and WCH) and is currently developing a new trial Baby CHiX. She has a keen interest in research, being Deputy Director – Research at FMC and Chair of the SPANZA research sub-committee.
Areas of Interest
Paediatric anaesthesia